Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jewelry Party at Allied Arts Guild

 Last Saturday was Clare's 12th birthday, and she spent it at beautiful Allied Arts Guild in Menlo Park, CA with 21 of her closest friends.  I volunteer at the Guild (whose mission it is to raise funds for Stanford Children's Hospital) and so was one of a small group of volunteers who helped Clare have a terrific day at her Nancy Drew themed party.  I led the jewelry making activity, ably assisted by Sara and Julie.  The girls stood elbow to elbow making design after design, it was great fun to watch.  Who knew how many varied and beautiful designs could come out of the glass and stone beads they were working with?  I wish I'd thought to take pictures of their jewelery, but it was soon whisked away by a 'thief' and the girls had to use their detective skills to track clues around the garden grounds in order to solve the mystery of the missing jewels. 

Once back inside the Sunset Room, where the activities took place, the girls had peppermint tea and cupcakes.  What fun!


  1. Hi,

    Looks like your party was a huge success!
    I found you on "Did you blog today" and became a "follower".
    Its nice to find Bloggers in California, as I myself live in Benicia :)


  2. Thanks Cathy! I'm going to check your blog out as well. :)

  3. This looks like so much fun! I found you on the EBT post page. I am now a follower (:

  4. Hi Julia - another California girl! Will also look at your blog. :)

  5. Christina,
    What a great party idea and I love your blog!

  6. What a fun party. I have a 12 year old girl too; they are the best!
