Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Global Genes Project - 7,000 Bracelets for Hope

 Today I shipped out my donation to the Global Genes Project.  I sent this denim sodalite bracelet, which will join the many others that artists and crafters have been donating since last year.  The GGP goal is to gather 7,000 blue bracelets by December 2011, to give to families of children with rare diseases.

According to the GGP website: "Rare Disease affects over 250 million people worldwide, and the largest percentage are children. There are over 7,000 rare diseases that have been identified all with very unique needs, but many with little to no support. In order to really help this community they need to be viewed as one, one community of millions, impacted by disease. Rare disease is not so rare, and the community is much more likely to garner the support, attention, and resources it needs if it is viewed as one."

If you're interested in participating in this project, get more information on the 7,000 Bracelets For Hope page.  We can each make a difference, no matter how small.  :-) 


  1. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Beautiful bracelet, great cause. Thanks for contributing.

  3. this is gorgeous and so very sweet of you..have a wonderful weekend!

    enjoy *~*

  4. Hi again! Swinging by once more to follow your lovely blog.

    Happy Easter!

  5. this is GREAT! thank you so much for posting about it and leaving a link!!

    following you now via the Etsy Blog Team post.

    kristanlynn @ adelynSTONE

  6. What a beautiful contribution. You are very, very talented!

    New follower from Mom Bloggers.

  7. What an amazing project for hope.

    Great meeting you through the Etsy Blog Team. :)
    I am following your blog now, too!
    Mary C. Nasser

  8. Your jewelry is beautiful! I found your fabulous blog through the Etsy Blog Team amd it looks like you have a great blog here!
